Tuesday, January 1, 2008 at 4:49 PM |  
Today I see something very interesting on newspaper. It’s impressive but it leads me to another question. I will tell you about the news I saw today later on. Let us discuss about something else now. I’m wondering whether some of you might find it difficult to search some related information regarding our country matters. Let it be politics, economics, entertainment, industries, or anything. I personally find it’s difficult to search such related information and most of the time it leads me to foreign website. Sometimes, it is also a shame where even foreign website have crucial issues discussion about out country but I can not manage to find even a small discussion about it in local website.

Take an simple example as today, I tried to punch in the keyword “BLM proton” where I noticed from newspaper it’s the latest model of Proton selling at 30 thousands plus. Quite interesting and attracting price for a domestic manufactured national car. But it ends up I found nothing and the only little info I manage to find is from a blogger. Even I check back the proton official website, it’s not there yet! What happens to our country dissemination of information? Yea, a good way to comfort myself is that Malaysia always announces some project before they have concrete planning. This becomes a joke when there is one time I attended a seminar and one participant asks the speaker, “What do you think about the Eastern Corridor Economic Region project?” Guess what the speaker said? “I have no comment on this project as there is no any concrete planning yet”. It’s true you know! As I went home after the seminar, I searched over the net about ECER and end up nothing really details on it. There are only list about news announcement about its launching ranked from Google search. Pathetic!

Now, back to the issue where I think the dissemination and update of information online were very poor in Malaysia. I have no idea why but there’s one thing I come across my mind where it might be caused by over control of government on media. As we all know, most of the official media in country now are being controlled by government. Nevertheless, some of the independence media online were being caught due to so called “sensitive” reporting. This greatly turns down the real passion of reporting in media. When a medium which is the core centre of info dissemination being over controlled by administration, it will turn into passive. In fact, we can rarely see negative report against “them” in media. The media itself don’t have the initiative to question and dig more about certain matters and thus a mere announcement without details plus concrete planning mega project still can be published on the main page of newspaper! How sad is that. It ends up citizen like us also become blur when we don’t know what’s happening. There is a saying recently which sounds like this “the citizen newspaper is now Youtube” as it reports more truth and more transparent. Imagine the level of severity in our country media industries.

Not that our country don’t have IT talented people. It’s just that sometimes, the leaders are themselves IT-illiterate. Good people on bottom of them can’t really perform if they themselves have poor awareness on the important of disseminating info through online. There is a saying in Chinese idiom which states that “it is ok for leader not to know everything, but he must be good in using every wise guy he has”.

Back to the earlier topic, I saw news about some politician having their own website set up recently. It’s in today newspaper together with their url. So, I decide to visit some of them and found out that it’s quite impressive to have such a website. But I would take it as one of the campaign for election. Whether the website will be maintained from time to time, I’m not really sure. From my survey on some of the government website, some are updated frequently, and some still in old version and outdated. Why don’t they look into fixing these entire first? There are bunches of IT students unemployed out there, and our country is still not so into IT yet? Such an irony isn’t it?
Posted by Devil's Son Labels: , , ,


Noelevz said...

Thanks for visiting my site! This is such a well written post, filled with interesting facts.I have learned a lot by reading it.Thanks

January 21, 2008 at 9:38 AM  
Devil's Son said...

Thanks for visiting mine as well!
and really appreciate u reading my post.... hope u will come more often...
btw, im wondering how u knw i have been to your blog? i don't think i leave any comment there...didn't I?
anyway, nice to meet u!

January 21, 2008 at 10:17 AM  
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